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Chinese translation for "test yield"


Related Translations:
yielding water:  出水
root yield:  根重
scouring yield:  精练率净毛率
yield traits:  产量性状
yield optimization:  回收率最佳化
yield range:  屈服区域
wafer yield:  晶片成品率
nuclear yield:  核弹药威力核当量
firm yield:  稳定产量
redemption yield:  偿还收益赎还收益率
Example Sentences:
1.Report and discuss the test yield maintained currently to supervisory for yield improvement purpose
2.Using the traditional silver wire test yields outstanding repeatability . the maximum vacuum reliability of the austromat
3.The chinese also played down any danger from the debris , keating said , saying the test yielded " a relatively small increase in the amount of debris in space
4.Focus on production yield rate , test yield review and monitoring ; analyze exceptional process , the reject or complain from customer , improve process to match quality request , establish rework process or claim scrap
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